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April 30, 2020

Reps. Payne and Demings to Hold Virtual Forum with Former FEMA Administrator Fugate on Coronavirus and FEMA’s Response Role

(WASHINGTON) – Tomorrow, Friday, May 1st, Reps. Donald Payne, Jr. (D-NJ) and Val Demings (D-FL), will hold a virtual forum on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s role in pandemic and emergency response. The Members of the Homeland Security Committee will be joined by former FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. The virtual forum will provide members and the viewing public with insight on FEMA’s response to the largest disaster response of the agency’s history. This event will be streamed live.

Virtual Forum:
Coronavirus and Homeland Security Part Three: A Conversation with 
Former FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate

Rep. Donald Payne, Jr. (D-NJ)
Chairman of the Emergency Preparedness, Response, & Recovery Subcommittee
Rep. Val Demings (D-FL)

W. Craig Fugate
Former Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (2009-2017)

Friday, May 1 at 10am EDT 

Livestream: At homeland.house.gov or on YouTube

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Press Contact

Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978