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October 26, 2021

TOMORROW @ 10AM: Congressional Hearing on Ensuring Equity in FEMA’s Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

(WASHINGTON) – Tomorrow, October 27th  the Committee on Homeland Security, chaired by Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), will hold a hearing for Members to learn from experts about inequitable outcomes that arise from the nation’s current disaster response framework.  Often, wealthier, whiter communities benefit from disaster relief, while already-disadvantaged communities are increasingly marginalized, suffering long-term harm as they cannot always depend on states to seek Federal assistance or the Stafford Act’s property-based approach to address their needs. Members will also be able to ask questions about regulatory and legislative changes the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Congress should enact to address these deficits and improve equity in disaster response.

This hearing will be streamed live on YouTube and on our website.

Event details:

WHAT: Full Committee Hearing: Ensuring Equity in Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

WHEN: Wednesday, October 27 @10:00am EDT

WHERE: 310 Cannon House Office Building


  • Lori Peek, PhD, Director, Natural Hazards Center and Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Mrs. Chauncia Willis, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management 
  • Mr. Christopher Currie, Director, Homeland Security and Justice Team, GAO
  • Mr. James Joseph, Vice President for Response, Tidal Basin 

Updated info and livestream available here.

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Press Contact

Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978