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September 11, 2021

Chairman Thompson Statement Marking 20 Years Since the September 11 Attacks

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks:

“On this day twenty years ago, our country suffered the deadliest act of terror in our nation’s history. On this solemn day, we mourn the thousands of American lives lost. We honor the brave first responders who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their fellow citizens. We take stock of the lessons we have learned and what more we must do to keep our communities safe as we strive to uphold our American values.

“Twenty years ago, we came together as one nation, unrestricted by party lines. We did not allow the forces of evil and terror to divide us. Two decades later, we stand ready to meet new threats that lie beyond the horizon – both foreign and domestic.

“The 9/11 attacks were a shock to American life: the images of the destruction, the memories of pain and despair. They continue to cast a long shadow upon our society. As we remember September 11, 2001, we pause as a nation to reflect and we remember our promise to never forget.”

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