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January 11, 2021

Chairman Thompson Statement on Chad Wolf’s Resignation from DHS

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on Chad Wolf’s resignation from the Department of Homeland Security:

“For months we have known Chad Wolf has been serving illegally in his position, so the timing of his resignation from the Department today is questionable. He has chosen to resign during a time of national crisis and when domestic terrorists may be planning additional attacks on our government. Unlike others, he is apparently not leaving the Trump Administration on principle.

“If it is true he is resigning because of recent Federal court decisions, then it is an admission that his policy decisions are indeed invalid. Under this scenario, Ken Cuccinelli must also resign.  

“The Trump Administration too often used the Department as a political weapon, left countless senior leadership positions vacant, and let morale suffer. Our homeland security has diminished as a result.  Thankfully, with a new Administration, the 240,000 men and women of the Department of Homeland Security will have much better leadership soon and this dark chapter will be over.”

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