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January 08, 2021

Chairman Thompson Statement After Twitter Finally Bans President Trump

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement after Twitter permanently banned President Trump:

“After years of the President using Twitter's platform to spread lies, spew hate, and damage the fabric of our democracy, Twitter has finally banned him for perpetual incitement of violence. This is welcome, but long overdue, news. To be clear, the President's words matter and have resulted in division and violence.

“From the start, his rhetoric has emboldened white nationalists and domestic terrorists. He has used Twitter, in particular, to target my colleagues in Congress, particularly women of color, and anyone who disagrees with him. He has spread false information about the COVID-19 pandemic and the integrity of our elections. His lies on Twitter and other social media platforms have cost lives.

“Facebook and YouTube must also commit to removing him from their platforms permanently. Even without his Twitter account, the President remains a direct threat to national security every minute he remains in power. Congress must still remove him immediately.”

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