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January 25, 2019

Chairman Thompson Statement on the Trump Shutdown’s Homeland Security Impact

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the Trump Shutdown and its continued negative impact on our frontline homeland security personnel who are charged with keeping the nation safe and secure.  Yesterday, Chairman Thompson hosted a Congressional Panel discussion featuring former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on the effects of the Trump Shutdown on the Department of Homeland Security.  Today marks the second paycheck missed for the DHS workforce, including approximately 800,000 federal employees.

“Now into its second month, the effects of the Trump Shutdown are becoming more worrisome for the safety of the nation by the day.  It has become clear from hearing from those on the frontlines that even if the shutdown ended today, we will be dealing with the consequences of it for months – or even years – to come. Quite simply, the shutdown is undermining the Department of Homeland Security’s ability to secure the homeland and protect the American people.”

“I have no doubts about the dedication of the public servants that protect our skies, waterways, and borders.  However, I continue to be worried that not having a paycheck – and not knowing when the next one will come – will serve as an altogether avoidable distraction to those whose jobs require laser focus on keeping our homeland secure.”

“Our homeland security personnel have been showing remarkable strength during this uncertain time, but I am afraid even the slightest additional stressor could call the resilience of our system into doubt. Donald Trump’s running a government like this defies logic and common sense.”

Link to Funding the Frontline Event

Link to Fact Sheet on Shutdown Impact on DHS

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