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January 14, 2019

Chairman Thompson: Trump Shutdown to Blame for Airport Lines

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on news reports of airport delays and terminal closures across the country:

"Delays at airports across the country today because of TSA staffing issues are a direct result of the Trump Shutdown.  Because of President Trump's childish refusal to reopen the government unless he gets his way, over 50,000 TSA Transportation Security Officers are forced to work without pay with no end in sight.  Now, many are understandably looking for other work to make ends meet.  TSOs are already among the least paid federal workers.”

“Not only will continuing the shutdown increase airport delays and hinder commerce, it could have a negative impact on aviation security if a resolution does not come quickly.  I hope President Trump realizes that being responsible for the longest government shutdown in history is no badge of honor - it will have untold negative consequences for months to come.  Until he realizes his error, the American people should put the blame squarely on his shoulders."

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