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January 29, 2024

Democrats Release Report on the Extreme MAGA Republican Sham Impeachment of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released a staff report to rebut the extreme MAGA Republican sham impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. After holding only two impeachment hearings and hearing from only two impeachment scholars, Committee Republicans plan to mark up articles of impeachment against the Secretary tomorrow.

The staff report Democrats released today, entitled Republican Abuse of Power: The Sham Impeachment of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, makes 5 key findings:

  • Republicans are abusing Congress’ impeachment power. Impeachment is an extraordinary remedy under the United States Constitution. The Framers never intended for it to be a tool for policy or political differences, and they certainly did not intend for it to be used to placate extreme factions of Congress.
  • The Republicans’ impeachment scheme is a sham. Republicans’ baseless investigation into Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is a politically motivated sham to appease extreme MAGA Members. This impeachment has never been about Secretary Mayorkas’ record, as the effort began not long after he was confirmed.
  • Secretary Mayorkas is upholding the law and honoring the public trust. Secretary Mayorkas has not violated the law, let alone committed “high Crimes and Misdemeanors”—the Constitutional standard for impeachment. Secretary Mayorkas is carrying out President Biden’s policies in good faith within resource constraints.
  • Republicans are sabotaging Secretary Mayorkas’ efforts to secure the border. The Biden administration—including Secretary Mayorkas—is working to solve the challenges at our border in an orderly, humane, and lawful way by creating new initiatives to stop drugs, cracking down on cartels, and deploying additional border technology. Republicans are intentionally sabotaging these efforts by voting against necessary funding because they prefer a political wedge issue to policy solutions.
  • Republicans are perpetuating challenges at the border to help re-elect Donald Trump. Republicans are using Secretary Mayorkas as a scapegoat for the longstanding challenges at our southern border to deflect attention from their failure to take meaningful action on border security and immigration legislation and provide necessary border security funding.

“Every time House Republicans advance their so-called impeachment investigation, we see it further exposed for the political stunt it is. As their arguments fall apart, it is critical we inform the American people about this extreme MAGA Republican sham,” said Ranking Member Thompson. “The report that we released today shows that there is no Constitutional basis for this impeachment. Not only has Secretary Mayorkas upheld the law, he is carrying out the Administration’s policies in good faith and in accordance with our American values. I hope Republicans honor their oath to the Constitution and reject this impeachment.”

Previously, Ranking Member Thompson called out Republicans for ignoring past precedent and proper due process in their sham impeachment push. He also exposed their articles of impeach for lacking any evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. When Committee Republicans held their first official impeachment hearing earlier this month, it mostly fell flat and public polling has shown that the American people don’t want Republicans playing politics with impeachment. 

Link to Report

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