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April 26, 2017

DHS VOICE Office Perpetuates Fear of Immigrants

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on the Department of Homeland Security’s establishment of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement VOICE Office:

“The establishment of this office sends a message that the Trump Administration is fixated on continuing to stir fear of immigrants while spreading myths about undocumented immigrants and crime. Looking at the facts, it is clear that there is no epidemic of immigrant crime that the President all too often asserts. While the President is desperate for something show for his first 100 days, inserting this propaganda and prejudice into our nation’s homeland security policy is a move that history will not look kindly on.”

“Instead of protecting our skies, waters, and borders from foreign and domestic threats, Department of Homeland Security resources will now be used for a new office to single out immigrants as criminals and broadcast its findings on repeat. Doing this not only ignores the vast majority of the crime, but stokes racist and xenophobic fears while dividing the country."

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