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February 13, 2024

Ranking Member Thompson Statement on Republicans’ Sham Impeachment

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on extreme MAGA Republicans impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in the House of Representatives after their first attempt failed last week:

“After Extreme MAGA Republicans’ first impeachment vote turned into an epic fail on the House floor last week, the tainted vote tonight was an absolute travesty. Extreme MAGA Republicans, at the direction of Marjorie Taylor Greene, decided to torch the Constitution – once again – to suit their political ends. They chose to ignore their oath of office, centuries of precedent, and plain old facts in favor of a sham impeachment.

“To be clear, this baseless impeachment will do nothing to secure the border – Republicans have admitted as much. It is clear they don’t have a shred of credibility on border security issues. Instead of providing the Department of Homeland Security the resources it needs or working together towards a bipartisan solution, they have rejected any solution for the sole reason that they can have a political wedge issue in an election year. Pathetically, they will do whatever Donald Trump tells them to do, gleefully sabotaging DHS’s efforts along the way.

“History will judge what Republicans did tonight, and it won’t be favorably. They threw the integrity of the House, the Constitution, as well as any glimmer of hope of working together, under the bus.

“I urge the Senate to reject this impeachment. And I’m sure they will.”

Read Ranking Member Thompson’s full remarks on the House floor last week

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