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February 06, 2024

Ranking Member Thompson Statement on Republicans’ Sham Impeachment Failing in the House

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on extreme MAGA Republicans in the House of Representatives failing to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas:

“I am glad that tonight a few honorable Republicans stood up for the Constitution and against the extremists running their party. This sham impeachment vote failed because it had no foundation in the Constitution. It failed because the Secretary has committed no ‘high crime or misdemeanor’. It failed because impeachment would do nothing to secure the border.

“But it never should have gotten this far. Extreme MAGA Republicans, at the direction of Marjorie Taylor Greene, must not be allowed to torch the Constitution whenever they feel like it just to suit their political ends. They cannot be allowed to use the power of impeachment do Donald Trump’s bidding.

“House Republicans need to start doing the work the American people sent them here to do. It’s well passed time we provided the Department of Homeland Security the resources it needs to fix the problems at the border.

“If Republicans continue down this path history will judge them, and it won’t be favorably. This nonsense must stop.”

Read Ranking Member Thompson’s full remarks on the House floor

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