Ranking Member Thompson Statement on Trump Attempting to Fire FEC Commissioner
(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on President Trump has attempted to fire Federal Election Commission Commissioner and Chair Ellen Weintraub:
“Donald Trump is methodically dismantling our democracy. He is firing every person with experience, expertise, character, and commitment to the constitution in order to replace them with mindless yes-men who will give Donald Trump and Elon Musk carte blanche to break the law and rip off the American people. Make no mistake, by attempting to fire Ellen Weintraub, Donald Trump isn’t making our elections freer or fairer. He’s making it easier for a handful of billionaires, who have happily pledged their allegiance to him in the hopes of making themselves richer off the backs of hardworking Americans, to overpower the will of the public in our elections. This crass display is an important reminder of who Donald Trump is looking out for, and it’s not the American people.”
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