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May 28, 2021

Senate Republicans Filibuster January 6 Commission Legislation and Fail to Stand Up for Democracy

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on news that Senate Republicans filibustered bipartisan legislation to create an independent commission to investigate the January 6 domestic terrorism attack on the Capitol.

“While I thank the few Senate Republicans that stood up for the truth and our democracy today, it is shameful that most acceded to Mitch McConnell’s ‘personal request’ that they filibuster this bipartisan bill to investigate the domestic terrorism attack on the Capitol. Moreover, it is appalling that after hearing from Officer Brian Sicknick’s mother, Mitch McConnell chose this critical bipartisan homeland security bill as the first measure to be filibustered this year. 

“Since the House passed the January 6 Commission Act with 35 Republican votes, Democrats have met Senate Republicans more than halfway, even as some Republican Senators continue to misrepresent this legislation. It is reprehensible to see House and Senate Republican Leaders repeatedly move the goal posts and brazenly acknowledge that they want the Commission blocked because they fear it will hurt them in the next election. 

“To be clear, Senate Republicans today voted against finding the truth. They voted against the law enforcement that protect the Capitol every day. They voted against the integrity of our democracy. But we won’t be deterred – we will continue to fight to get answers so we can be sure an attack on our democracy never happens again. Doing nothing is not an option.”

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