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March 08, 2017

Slashing Coast Guard, FEMA, TSA to Fund Wall Makes Country Less Secure

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on news reports that the White House intends to cut the budgets of the Coast Guard, TSA, and FEMA to pay for the President’s misguided immigration policies:

“The Trump Administration’s misplaced budget priorities show us it is more concerned with keeping Trump’s campaign promises than keeping America safe and secure.  Subjecting the Coast Guard, TSA, and FEMA to massive cuts in order to pay for an exponential rise in immigrant detention and a border wall that will not prevent a terrorist attack or provide any measurable national security benefit does nothing but force DHS to take its eye off the ball.  The campaign is over and the Trump Administration must show us that it is serious about governing and can preserve the investments we have made keeping the country secure since 9/11.”

“Slashing the already tight budgets of the Coast Guard, FEMA, and TSA will only reduce our readiness and effectiveness in preventing potential attacks and responding to disasters.  If the President wants to spend his time having rallies touting $13 billion aircraft carriers, he should also visit the Coast Guard so he can see how additional budget cuts will affect its mission.  The Coast Guard cannot be forced to hold its ships together with gum and tape while it is charged with keeping our waters and ports secure.  The White House needs to go back to drawing board with its budget and produce something to Congress that is workable, realistic, and, most importantly, keeps our country safe.”

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