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March 06, 2017

Thompson Statement on Second Muslim & Refugee Ban

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on President Trump’s new refugee and Muslim ban:

"This new Muslim travel ban is just like the old: it discriminates against individuals from Muslim-majority countries and closes the door on vulnerable refugees fleeing violence and persecution around the world.  Simply put, it flies in the face of our Nation's values and history.  While this Executive Order was billed by the President as absolutely necessary for the security of our country, all evidence points to the contrary.  Reports from the Department of Homeland Security show that the Administration tried and failed to justify the ban after the fact.”

“President Trump put forward a disastrous policy in January so he could follow through on a campaign promise.  After losing badly in the courts, the Administration seemed to be in no hurry to revise or replace it.  Reports state that the Administration delayed announcing a new Executive Order last week because it didn't want to affect the news cycle from Trump's address to Congress and wanted the new Executive Order to have its own spotlight.  We know this Administration is more concerned with politics and fearmongering than promoting good governance and sound national security policy.  This Executive Order does not make us safer and the American people will not be fooled.”

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