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August 13, 2017

Thompson Calls for Immediate Action to Address Domestic Terrorism

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on the domestic terrorism in Charlottesville, Virginia.

"Yesterday's extremist activity in Charlottesville was terrorism, plain and simple. If Muslim men were the aggressors, my Republican colleagues would be decrying an act of terror. Instead we hear from many of them the same platitudes we have heard after too many recent domestic terrorism incidents. We mourn those killed and pray for those injured in this terrible, hate-filled incident, but that is no longer enough."

"With his weak words in the wake of yesterday's terrorist incident, it is clear we cannot count on President Trump for action. Even before Trump was elected, many of us were concerned that his unwillingness to denounce and distance himself from white nationalists would be taken as tacit support by those ready to use violence to advance their racist, white-nationalistic ideology. The President must stand up to all ideologically-motivated violence, even if it is espoused by his supporters. As we saw yesterday, failure to do so puts American lives at risk."

"I call on my Republican colleagues to condemn unequivocally the racism and hate being allowed to fester and even flourish in this country, and work with my Democratic colleagues and me to help stop acts of domestic terror and uphold the ideals that truly make America great."

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