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February 24, 2015

Thompson: Pass a Clean DHS Bill Now

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement marking four days until funding for the Department of Homeland Security runs out unless Congress acts:

It is clear that the Republican Majority's partisan homeland security funding bill cannot pass the Senate. With only four days until funding for the Department of Homeland Security runs out, it's time Republicans come to their senses, realize their misstep, and pass a clean bill to fund our nation's homeland security operations. This game has gone on long enough. If the Republican majority forces the shutdown of DHS, thousands of FEMA, TSA, and border security workers will be furloughed. A shutdown will hamstring our ability to respond to threats large and small, it will prevent us from hiring and training frontline workers, and it will stop the grants that our state and local governments depend on to help prepare for disasters and emergencies. I urge the Speaker to put politics aside and pass a clean bill which we know would pass both chambers quickly and easily. We cannot kick the can down the road again and we must not shutdown homeland security.

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