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July 12, 2013

Thompson Statement on Departure of Secretary Napolitano

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the resignation of Secretary Janet Napolitano as Homeland Security Secretary:

I want to thank Secretary Napolitano for her over four years of service as the leader of the Department of Homeland Security. As a member of President Obama's Cabinet, she has been a steady hand helping lead the 240,000 men and women who serve in the Department through natural disasters and a diverse matrix of threats. She deserves particular credit for her efforts at Departmental reforms and promoting a 'One DHS' culture for this relatively-new and very diverse organization. I call upon the President to act quickly and nominate a qualified replacement for this critical role. Similarly, I urge my colleagues in the Senate to move as swiftly in confirming Secretary Napolitano's successor as they did in confirming her. The country needs a well-qualified, proven leader to direct this Department given the wide range of threats, man-made and natural, that our Nation faces.


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