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January 08, 2018

Thompson Statement on DHS Decision to End Protected Status for Salvadorans

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement after the Department of Homeland Security announced that it will terminate Temporary Protected Status for immigrants from El Salvador:

“Today’s decision to cancel Temporary Protected Status for people from El Salvador is just the latest in a string of heartless, xenophobic actions from the Trump Administration.  Many of those affected by today’s decision have been in United States for decades, have American citizen children, and have deep economic and family ties here.  Forcing them out of the only country many of them have ever known would not only upend their lives and potentially subject them to terrible violence in El Salvador, but would have a destructive effect on our communities and our Nation’s economy.  Clearly the President is trying to use this group of people as the latest bargaining chip in his anti-immigrant agenda.  It is now critical that Congress act and protect these contributing members of our society.  This is simply the right thing to do.”

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