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January 11, 2018

Trump ‘Shithole’ Comments Show His True Colors

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on news reports that President Trump, during immigration policy negotiations, made disparaging comments about Haiti, El Salvador and African countries:

“In contrast to President Trump’s self-proclaimed ‘performance’ put on in front of TV cameras at the White House Tuesday, his defamatory remarks against less affluent countries behind closed doors are a disturbing window into the racial bias that appears to be driving his immigration agenda.”

“The President has been in office for a year and still does not understand the economic, cultural, and national security benefits that come with being a nation of immigrants. Immigrants come here from all over the world because they want to make a better life for themselves and their families – and we as a country are better for it. These legal immigrants contribute to our economy as they work towards the American dream. Democrats will continue to deal in good faith with all those that want to negotiate legislation to address the DREAMers, but it is increasingly difficult to believe the President intends to do the same.”

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