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January 12, 2015

Thompson Statement on Republican Homeland Security Funding Bill

WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the House Republicans' Homeland Security funding bill for FY2015:

The Republican's Homeland Security spending bill released Friday is yet another example of the Republicans playing politics with homeland security. The House Majority has escalated their political gamesmanship by including poison pill amendments to stop immigration reform that will not be included in a final bill. This will only delay funding yet again and also threatens a shutdown of DHS. In light of the tragic events in Paris last week, we are reminded that vigilance in the face of terrorism is critical – and our government needs the proper resources to detect, deter, and respond to these acts. I hope the Republican leadership comes to their senses and ignores the extreme right wing of their party. I urge them to put forward a clean funding bill and to stop playing political games with the security of the nation.

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