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July 13, 2018

Thompson Statement on Special Counsel Election Interference Indictments

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security and Co-Chair of the Congressional Task Force on Election Security, released the following statement on Special Counsel Mueller’s 12 indictments related to Russia interfering in the 2016 Presidential Campaign:

“Each month we get a clearer picture of Putin’s campaign to attack our democracy and interfere in the 2016 elections. While I am confident the truth will come out, we still have much work to do to secure our voting systems from foreign interference.  Democrats have put forward proposal after proposal to counter the Russian threat and secure our election infrastructure, and time after time we see Republicans in Congress doing the absolute minimum and turning their attention to frivolous conspiracy theories.  It is high time that the Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans recognize the gravity of this threat and work with us to stop it.  Doing any less is a betrayal to the American people.”

“It has been clear – even before today – that President Trump was never going to take Putin’s attack on our democracy seriously. As he was too quick to take Putin’s word over the conclusions of our intelligence community, he will never be able or willing to properly confront Putin.  The President needs to accept the truth about Putin’s actions in the 2016 elections, cancel his meeting with him, and get to work on keeping Russia out of our democracy.”

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