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July 16, 2018

Thompson: Unwilling to Stop or Confront Putin, Trump Abandons Oath of Office

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security and Co-Chair of the Congressional Task Force on Election Security, released the following statement on President Trump’s joint press conference in Helsinki with Putin today:

“President Trump’s behavior in Helsinki today was a disgrace and a horrific embarrassment for the country.  The spectacle should never have taken place.  The President stood on the world stage and actively damaged our democracy. President Trump could have confronted Putin today for his attack on our country and our elections, but, in a stunning act of weakness, he said nothing.  When the President openly takes the word of Putin over the findings of our intelligence community, he sends the integrity of our democracy down a very dark path. Not only is President Trump unable to hold Putin account for anything and praises his every move, but seems completely and obviously beholden to him.  President Trump simply is unable or unwilling to do what is necessary to keep this country safe.  He has abandoned his oath of office and must be stopped.  Now is the time for Republicans in Congress to wake up, grow a spine, and do their job. They must hold this President responsible for his repulsive and craven behavior. The future of our country is at stake.” 

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