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July 18, 2018

Thompson Statement on Republican Sham Resolution

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on H.Res. 990, a non-binding resolution brought up by House Republicans. The resolution, driven by partisan politics, does nothing to fix our immigration system or help reunite families.

“With this sham resolution, it is clear House Republicans just want to change the subject after President Trump’s disastrous summit in Helsinki where he refused to confront Putin over his blatant attack on our democracy.  This resolution will do nothing to put back together the thousands of families intentionally torn apart by the Trump Administration or deal with the humanitarian crisis Trump has created. It will also do nothing to improve morale at the Department.  I voted ‘no’ in protest of this shameful exercise and to highlight the lack of action to remedy the damage caused by President Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ and family separation policies.  Just yesterday we learned that some children were torn away from their parents loving care and thrust into environments where they are sleeping on cement and not getting enough food or clean water. By standing idly by and doing nothing, the Republicans are supporting a president and his administration who has proven, time and time again, to lack basic human decency.”

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