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May 13, 2011

Thompson on TASC Cancellation

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement regarding news that the Department of Homeland Security has cancelled the Transformation and Systems Consolidation (TASC) program. The TASC contract was intended to provide integration services and program management support for integration of the Department's financial, acquisition and asset management processes.

When DHS announced its intention to consolidate its 19 separate financial management systems into one Department-wide program, it was clear that the plan lacked well-defined contract requirements and performance benchmarks.

In the 111th Congress, the Committee on Homeland Security held hearings and conducted briefings on TASC. Based on evidence of independent experts, the Committee advised the Department that TASC should be reconsidered and pared down. However, the Department failed to heed this advice.

While I am gratified that DHS has decided to pull the plug on TASC, it is unfortunate that this decision was reached after spending millions of dollars. Unfortunately, DHS's experience with TASC is reminiscent of its procurement efforts with other failed technology-based projects, including eMerge, eMerge2 and SBI.

DHS still needs a plan to develop a financial management system that works. I look forward to meeting with Under Secretary Borras soon to discuss both lessons learned and his next steps.

Link to July 2010 Letter to DHS Under Secretary Borras

Link to Info Sheet on TASC

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