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May 12, 2011

Thompson on White House Cybersecurity Proposal

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement regarding the legislative proposal set forth by the White House on cybersecurity:

I commend the President for recognizing that illegal penetrations or 'hacks' of computer networks represent not only economic threats but also homeland security threats. The President's cybersecurity proposal properly seeks to provide new authorities to DHS to protect the Federal cyber domain and partner effectively with the private sector.

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson is the sponsor of H.R. 174, Homeland Security Cyber and Physical Infrastructure Protection Act of 2011, which seeks to enhance DHS' cybersecurity capacity by authorizing the DHS Office of Cybersecurity and Communications and creating a new Cybersecurity Compliance Division to oversee the establishment of performance-based standards responsive to the particular risks to the (1) .gov domain and (2) critical infrastructure networks, respectively.

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