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February 17, 2022

TODAY @ 2PM: Hearing on Private Sector Investment in the Northern Triangle and Homeland Security Impact

(WASHINGTON) – Today, February 17th, the Subcommittee on Oversight, Management, & Accountability, chaired by Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA), will hold a hearing entitled, “Call to Action: Private Sector Investment in the Northern Triangle and Its Impact on Homeland Security.” The purpose of this hearing is to examine the investments committed by the private sector in response to Vice President Kamala Harris’s Call to Action, a long-term strategy to help address the root causes of migration from Central America. Various companies and organizations are supporting the Administration’s efforts with their unique resources and expertise, in addition to committing over $1.2 billion to promote economic opportunity.

This virtual hearing will be streamed live on YouTube and on our website.

Event details:

WHAT: Subcommittee Hearing - Call to Action: Private Sector Investment in the Northern Triangle and Its Impact on Homeland Security

WHEN: Wednesday, February 17 @ 2:00pm EST


  • Mr. Anderson Warlick, Chairman and CEO, Parkdale Mills
  • Mr. Dan Christenson, Senior Director of Government Affairs, PepsiCo
  • Ms. Maria Nelly Rivas, Vice President, Government Relations for Latin America, Cargill
  • Mr. Daniel Runde, Senior Vice President and William A. Schreyer Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies (minority witness)

Updated info and livestream available here.

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Press Contact

Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978