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Press Releases

January 07, 2015

Thompson Statement on the Terrorist Threat and the Need to Fund DHS

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the terrorist threat and funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS): Every day there are reminders of the diverse nature of the terrorist threat that we face. Today it was the deadly terrorist attack in Paris. Yesterday it was a bombing of an NAACP office in Colorado Springs, and just last month it was the Sony cyber attack. These incidents … Continue Reading

January 06, 2015

Thompson, Cummings, Conyers Issue Statement Renewing Call for Police Reform Hearings

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Reps. Elijah E. Cummings, John Conyers Jr., and Bennie G. Thompson, Ranking Members of the House Committees on Oversight and Government Reform, the Judiciary, and Homeland Security, issued a joint statement reiterating their request for a series of in-depth hearings into the issues raised by the deaths of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and others, as well as the role Congress can play in implementing broader criminal justice reform. As we begin the 114th Congress and … Continue Reading

December 18, 2014

Thompson Statement on Secret Service Panel Report

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the United States Secret Service Protective Mission Panel report (executive summary): For far too long the Secret Service has suffered from systemic problems and a failure of leadership. The independent review panel's findings indicate that the Secret Service needs new direction. I echo the sentiments of Secretary Johnson—the Secret Service must commit … Continue Reading

December 12, 2014

TSA Uses Discredited Behavior Detection Program to Provide PreCheck Screening

(WASHINGTON) - Today, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) PreCheck program. The report, titled "Aviation Security: Rapid Growth in Expedited Passenger Screening Highlights Need to Plan Effective Security Assessments" (GAO-15-150), found that TSA developed and expanded a program (Managed Inclusion) that relies on Behavior Detection Officers to determine who gets PreCheck screening. GAO found that TSA did so to reach … Continue Reading

December 11, 2014

Thompson Statement Opposing CRomnibus

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement in opposition to the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act (H.R. 83) also known as the CRomnibus. Congressman Thompson spoke on the House floor today to oppose the rule for consideration of the Cromnibus (H.R. 83). This legislation is another gimmicky bill that provides piece-meal funding and undermines critical national security programs. … Continue Reading

December 02, 2014

Hearing Statement of Ranking Member Thompson - Immigration Reform

(Washington) - Today, Committee on Homeland Security Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) delivered the following opening statement for the full Committee hearing entitled Open Borders: The Impact of Presidential Amnesty on Border Security: Since 1956, Presidents have granted temporary immigration relief to impacted individuals on 39 separate occasions; therefore, it would seem that changes outlined by President Obama on November 20 are not outside the bounds of Presidential … Continue Reading

December 02, 2014

Thompson Statement on Right Wing Plans for Homeland Security Funding

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on a proposal to possibly consider Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding under a continuing resolution. Last month, after years of Congressional inaction, the President announced a series of actions that the Administration will take to begin to fix our broken immigration system. In response, a faction of the House Majority is trying to penalize DHS by … Continue Reading

November 21, 2014

Thompson Announced as Homeland Security Ranking Democrat

(WASHINGTON) - Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) issued the following statement today after being nominated by the House Democratic Caucus to return as Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security for the 114th Congress: I am honored to be chosen by my colleagues to return as Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to help protect and secure our nation from all threats. When we work in a bipartisan … Continue Reading

November 20, 2014

Thompson Statement on Immigration Action

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the President's address to the nation detailing action he will take to fix the country's immigration system: I commend the President for taking this bold step to begin to bring change to our broken immigration system. This action, similar to those taken by previous presidents, is simply the right thing to do in the wake of inaction by Congress. It will … Continue Reading

November 13, 2014

Report on White House Fence Jumper Reveals Problems with Secret Service Culture, Lack of Resources

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the Executive Summary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Report on the White House Incursion Incident of September 19, 2014. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson tasked Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to investigate the incident at all levels. This report indicates that the Secret Service's response at the White House … Continue Reading

October 22, 2014

New Memo Shows No Justification for Secret Service Diversion of Agents

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement in response to a Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General (DHS OIG) memorandum to the Secretary on the United States Secret Service (USSS). The memorandum details an investigation into allegations of misuse of USSS resources in July 2011 when Secret Service agents were tasked away from their posts at the White House complex: The … Continue Reading

October 17, 2014

Thompson Statement on Ebola Czar Appointment

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on news that President Obama has appointed Ron Klain as his Ebola response coordinator: I applaud the President's appointment of Ron Klain to coordinate Federal response efforts to contain the Ebola virus in the United States and West Africa. I do not question Mr. Klain's competency and will do all I can to assist him in his efforts; however, I must … Continue Reading

October 16, 2014

Thompson, Richmond Thank Pistole for His Years of Public Service

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, and Rep. Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA), Ranking Member of the Committee's Transportation Security Subcommittee, released the below statements on the retirement on John S. Pistole as the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Congressman Thompson stated: I would like to thank John S. Pistole for his 31 years of public service. During his more than four years as … Continue Reading

October 12, 2014

Thompson Statement on Second Ebola Diagnosis in the US

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on news of the second Ebola patient being diagnosed in the United States: My thoughts and prayers are with the Texas nurse who compassionately and courageously cared for the first U.S. Ebola patient and was diagnosed with the devastating disease this weekend. The CDC attributes the new infection to a breach in protocol, which raises the question whether … Continue Reading

October 10, 2014

Ranking Member Thompson Field Hearing Statement Ebola in the Homeland: The Importance of International, Federal, State, and Local Coordination

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Committee on Homeland Security Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) delivered the following opening statement for the full Committee field hearing on Ebola in the Homeland: The Importance of International, Federal, State, and Local Coordination: I want to thank the Chairman for holding this timely hearing on our efforts-both domestic and international-to contain and prevent the spread of the Ebola virus. I also thank the witnesses for appearing today, and I look … Continue Reading

September 26, 2014

Thompson, Payne to Hold National Preparedness Month Tweetathon

(WASHINGTON) - On Tuesday, September 30th, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, and Rep. Donald M. Payne Jr. (D-NJ), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications, will hold a National PrepareAthon! Day Tweetathon to celebrate and promote National Preparedness Month. Reps. Thompson and Payne are both serving as Congressional Co-Chairs of the 13th Annual National Preparedness Month. @HomelandDems and … Continue Reading

September 19, 2014

TSA's Removal of Rapiscan Body Scanners Not Without Hiccups

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement in response to a Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General (DHS OIG) report on the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) management of the removal of Rapiscan advanced imaging technology (AIT) machines from TSA ownership. The report, entitled "TSA's Management of Secure 1000SP Advanced Imaging Technology Units" (OIG-14-138) found … Continue Reading

September 18, 2014

Secure Flight Needs Improved Privacy Protections and Operational Standards

(WASHINGTON) - Today, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released two reports on the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) Secure Flight program, which assigns a risk category to passengers which determines if individuals should be prevented from flying or if they require additional screening. The first report, "Secure Flight: TSA Should Take Additional Steps to Determine Program Effectiveness" (GAO-14-531) found that TSA checkpoint personnel have made errors in implementing … Continue Reading

September 17, 2014

Thompson Hearing Statement - Worldwide Threats to the Homeland

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Committee on Homeland Security Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) delivered the following opening statement for the full Committee hearing entitled Worldwide Threats to the Homeland: We are fortunate to have an exceptionally accomplished and knowledgeable panel of witnesses to discuss the current threat picture. Secretary Johnson, welcome back. You have offered informative and useful testimony before, and I expect today to be no different. Director … Continue Reading

September 11, 2014

Thompson Statement the 13th Anniversary of September 11

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement commemorating the thirteenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks: Thirteen years ago, our Nation came together as one after facing a horrific terrorist attack. The Anniversary of 9/11 is a time to remember and honor those we lost that day. While we have made great strides since that day, we recognize there are still threats to the homeland and we … Continue Reading