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December 2017
Velázquez, Thompson Press for Explanation of Puerto Rico Death Toll
Thompson, Watson Coleman: After NYC Attack TSA Must Focus on Overdue Security Mandates
Does the New Homeland Security Secretary Agree with Trump?
Troublesome: New FEMA Request for $100 Million Single Vendor Puerto Rico Recovery Contract
November 2017
Republicans Refuse NAACP Witness for Domestic Terrorism Hearing (Updated)
Election Security Task Force Requests Funding for State Election Security, Replacing Outdated Voting Machines
Thompson to DHS: Was Rev. Johnson Vetted? Did DHS Know His Racist Past?
Thompson to DHS: Time to Upgrade Airport Screening Tech
Thompson: FEMA Hurricane Response Hearing Must be Rescheduled
October 2017
Thompson to Watchdog: Investigate Party White House Billed to DHS
Thompson: Senate Must Scrutinize DHS Nominee History & Experience
DHS Must Investigate Contaminated Well Use in Puerto Rico
CBC, Ranking Members Request FBI Meeting About “Black Identity Extremists” Assessment
Thompson, Velázquez Seek Audit of Maria Death Toll
Thompson, Payne to Trump: You Must Commit to Puerto Rico Recovery
Thompson, Watson Coleman Demand Cost of Pence Political Stunt
September 2017
Homeland Dems to Trump: Gov’t Must do More to Help Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
August 2017
Democrats Call for Domestic Terrorism Hearings
Thompson to DHS: Don’t Abuse Waiver Law to Rush Border Wall
July 2017
Cummings, Conyers, Thompson and Brady to VP Pence: Remove Kobach from Election Commission and Rescind Request for Sensitive Voter Information